Since I began reviewing books in 2011, I've branched out in terms of the types of books I read. In the past, primarily sticking to Christian fiction titles, there were worlds I would not enter because I didn't want to venture outside of my comfort zone.
What changed? Basically, I decided I wanted to support indie authors in any way I could. That being said, there are genres I will not read but I felt the need to branch out and see what was out
there in terms of indie authors and the stories they have written. Along the way, I've discovered some fantastic story-tellers and I've been proud to feature them.
This section of the site will feature books in which, if not for a paranormal occurrence, the stories would not have been written. The paranormal elements are integral to the story even if other events which transpire are every-day occurrences involving romance, crime and so on.
Browse the menu to see the paranormal fiction titles featured so far at Norma's World. Embark on a journey you have yet to discover. You won't be disappointed.
By clicking on a book cover, you can go directly to the review for that title.